Decor Crush with Kerrie of Rarely Taken Seriously

in Oct 1, 2014

Kerrie of 'Rarely Taken Seriously' just showed us her White Russian Savvy Sleeper in her latest post and talked all about her straggle to switch from sleeping on her stomach to her back after she turned 25.

'I've been sleeping on my tummy for years now and no matter how tired I am or how much lavender I've put in that bath I just can't drift off any other way. It's impossible. Sadly, this is the absolute worst way to sleep - especially when you add in all the twisting and turning I do once I have nodded off. Believe it or not lying on your stomach wreaks havoc on your back, your skin (rough fibers pull at it causing wrinkles and have actually been linked to breakouts as well - GRRR) and your boobs. Seriously, I'm not kidding with that last one, think about it, you literally squish them which leads to a serious lack of perkiness.'

Kerrie gave Savvy Sleepers a try and to see what she thought, read the rest of Kerrie's post about her new night's sleep on our satin, click here.
