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Friday Night At Target! 2017 Spring Must-Haves Including Bikinis

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If only Target knew it's insta-therapy effect it has on women, especially moms. There is something so stress relieving about walking down the aisles browsing everything from beauty, berry granola to bikinis. Target has also been winning some major props in the press the past week for not using photoshop on their swimsuit models this season. And don't forget some of our Slumber Party faves- Mini cans of Pringles, microwave popcorn, Throwback Nerd candies, throw pillows and who doesn't love their seasonal designer collaborations? PS - Victoria Beckham for Target launches April 9th! And speaking of Target on Friday night, if your little toddler is being calm and enjoying the cart ride at 9 pm, the weekend is starting out on the right foot. We hit up Target last Friday night before falling fast asleep on our luxe anti-aging satin pillowcases for hair, skin & lashes below!
Friday evenings used to be 'going out' nights, but during our last Target sesh, we found 5 Spring Scores including a hair care secret thanks to sneaking a look in the new Allure magazine that will bust a dry shampoo myth.

1. Sugarfix by Baublebar Earrings - Loving this new collaboration with Target and Baublebar! There are tassel earrings and these adorable ball earrings at Target for only $12.99. See the entire Sugarfix by Bauble Bar at Target Jewelry collection here

2. Beach Totes Galore - There are so many beach totes (and bucket bags + woven styles are definitely in this Spring). We loved this yellow wicker bag with a fun pom pom (who knows how long that style will last?) at Target for only $19.99. These totes are also perfect for traveling, road trips and lake days.

3. Adorable Little Girl Outfits - For your daughter, niece or friend's baby girl, there are so many fun Spring prints and Easter dresses that are must-see at Target right now. From citrus details, pineapple print, and a glittery bunny mask, Spring styles are in full bloom at Target this month.

4. No More Guilt about Dry Shampoo - We've hear rumors lately that dry shampoo can clog your hair follicles and cause hair loss. Nooo! We use this every few days! However, this month's Allure with a stunning blond Allison Williams on the cover debunks that theory. According to the article:  'Dry shampoos use powder, starch, or talc to soak up oil, and none of those ingredients directly impact the ability of follicles to grow new hair,' says Paradi Mirmirani, a dermatologist in Vallejo, California. Whew! Pick up the new Allure or any tabloid you love at Target today.

5. The Swimsuits Of Course! - No big surprise here, Target makes some super-cute swimwear. From the bikinis with netting by Shade & Shore (doesn't this remind you of 'The Little Mermaid?) to cut-out one-pieces, sexy mesh details, and halter style bikinis that flatter, we picked a few more of our faves below. Most are under $40 for the set and Target is fully stocked now in stores & online. 


*** During swim season, help your hair stay healthy by sleeping on our luxury satin pillowcases which are ultra-smooth for hair, skin & lashes. Savvy Sleepers help prevent breakage compared to cotton pillowcases and prevent further damage caused to a dry scalp which can happen after long days in the sun. Speaking of that, Target has an amazing selection of SPF! Score.
Anything you're loving at Target lately?



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