Buzz Buzz: Seasonal Allergy Relief Advice!

in Apr 23, 2018
The flowers are in full bloom and so are our allergies! We posted a poll on our Instagram Stories and 83% said you’re affected this season. Here are few things that drastically helped us so far this year: 
1.  Don’t touch your face. Itching your eyes, nose, ears, throat…are only going to make it worse. Try not to itch or touch!

2. Wash your face after going outside. If you're not in full face makeup, take a cool splash of water to your face. Wash your eyes and rinse out your mouth when you get indoors. All the extra loose pollen and irritants wont be hanging around any longer. 


3. My doctor recommended taking allergy medications before bed, which may help reduce drowsiness during the day since the 24 hour dose will be in the last half of effectiveness.  


4. Honey + Lemon + Hot water. If you can, get local honey from farmers market! It’s not proven to work, but take it a few times a week for the best possible chance of fighting back! Some studies have shown your body can  become slightly more immune to allergies with honey made from local pollen.

Have any of these worked for you? Do you have any other methods? Share in the comments + Follow us on Instagram & Facebook for Slumber Party updates.