NEW! Must Have- Dyson Hairdryer
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An email popped in my mailbox to test out Dyson hairdryer at Neiman Marcus, and I was instantly intrigued. The high-tech vacuum brand has a hairdryer? I have to try this!
After grabbing a Dirty Chai Latte at The Fresh Market, I met Pavlina, my beauty concierge at Neiman Marcus, and she began telling me all the features of this futuristic looking device. The Dyson Supersonic hairdryer has been "re-thought" with features including redistributed motor weight, temperature control, and ultra fast drying. Using it everyday to save drying time, helps justify the jaw dropping price tag.
Watch this short video via Sephora.
I arrived with semi-dry curly hair, and walked out in under 30 minutes with shiny, soft curls. My hairstylist from BFab showed me how heat from this Dyson doesn't heat up the scalp like my regular dryer, but rather focuses the heat where you direct it, finishing with smooth, shiny hair.
After just one use, I'm in love....and definitely adding this to my Holiday Wish List! Visit a Neiman Marcus near you to try this beautiful blow dryer for yourself. See Locations
Dyson may be changing the way we style our hair, and Savvy Sleepers are changing the way we sleep on our hair. Take care of your hair by using a satin pillowcase, and extend your hairstyle!