The Chris Howell Foundation Helps Serve 3,000 Families in Dallas Food Deserts

in Jul 9, 2020

Making a glass of fresh-squeezed orange juice or having a bowl of fresh produce on the counter during quarantine is a luxury many do not have. Especially in Dallas food deserts. This is why we wanted to share about a special DFW cause by the Chris Howell Foundation. Last month, 175,000 pounds of fresh produce, protein, and PPE care kits were distributed to local Dallas families by The Chris Howell Foundation (CHF,) in partnership with Skyline Ranch.
To read more about the founders Chris Howell and his wife Dominique, click here.
As the number of coronavirus cases rise across the state and many families suffer the economic impact of business shutdowns, access to food is critical and PPE items are essential.
CHF, at its recent stop along a series of COVID-19 Community Relief Drives, served 3,000 families in one of Dallas’ food deserts. The location was Skyline Ranch on E. Wheatland Road in Dallas.
Volunteers distributed 7,000 boxes that included food as well as masks, difficult to secure hand sanitizers and soaps that made up the PPE care kits.


The next drive is Saturday, July 11 in Ft. Worth in partnership with Texas Capital Bank and Services of Hope. CHF is inviting volunteers to lend their hands and hearts at the additional drive-thru events, planned through August.

Upcoming Schedule of CHF COVID-19 Relief Drives: 

Saturday, July 11, 2020 – Ft. Worth
10aCT to 2pCT: 1301 Evans St., Ft. Worth, TX 76104
Partners: Texas Capital Bank and Services of Hope
Saturday, August 1, 2020 -  Dallas Back-to-School Drive
10aCT to 2pCT: Skyline Ranch 1801 E. Wheatland Road Dallas, Texas 75214
Partner: Skyline Ranch
Saturday, August 22, 2020 – Ft. Worth Back-to-School – (Location TBD)- 10aCT to 2pCT
These events are expected to continue to serve thousands of families, each. Volunteers and partners are invited.
To help vulnerable families get back on their feet during the COVID-19 pandemic or for more information, visit
Thank you for your support,
xo Savvy Sleepers